European Powder Metallurgy Association

Spring Hinge MIM

Spring Hinge

Company: OBE Ohnmacht & Baumgärtner GmbH

Density: 7.9 g/cm3
Hardness: 120 HV1
Tensile Strength: 510MPa
Process Steps: Tapping, Sand Blasting, Polishing, Plating

The concept by Tag Heuer was to produce spectacles without edges and corners that look like they have been formed from a mould. The edgeless hinge movement was designed as two disk-shaped forms that slid over each other.
MIM technology was the only possibility here as the complexity of the component made production via conventional metal-removing processing too expensive. Tolerances meant that the form required could not be produced via waste-wax casting but only via MIM.



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